Made Songs of Byzantium work for Roman culture as well as the Byzantine group.Having a Non-aggression Pact with the target of a Crusade will now lead to it automatically breaking once the Crusade is launched, allowing you to join the war.Fixed the crucible steel event chain sometimes breaking just before its final outcome.Fixed missing effects and tooltips for receiving news of the Aztec Invasion * if you have certain Vision modifiers (from the Hermetic's Scrying Power) it will now properly update your Seer modifier, while also explaining what happens.Blocked Holy orders from spontaneously building Tribal holdings.

Also applies to all children generated through "create_character". Fixed children generated for historical rulers without scripted families having 0 in all attributes and getting no childhood traits.Cleaned up Anatolian province culture/religion in some of the later start dates.Differentiated the Coat of Arms for Kingdom of Kiev and Empire of Rus.Added decision to form the Russian Tsardom early.Renamed a title to Empire of Rus to strengthen the intended connection to the historical Kievan Rus.Modders should now get an error if they add history commands that marry characters that have not been born yet.(Characters, Societies, Artifacts, Provinces, Dynasties, Great Works)